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RIPEN is an educational initiative providing learning, teaching and coaching programmes for people of all ages and all communities. Helping them to grow, mature - to ripen.

What does it do?

offers ready-made.....custom-made programmes for:


Learning is lifelong. Modernising thoughts, actions and knowledge. We grow over time, maturing, RIPENing as we get older. Adding our experiences and influences from all aspects of life, to contribute to our learning process and knowledge base. A holistic approach.

philosophy of

Our upbringing has left us ill-equipped to handle the world around us. Many people spend the first 20% of their lives in a bubble of colonial academia, only to have it burst at the age of 18 when they're suddenly thrust into reality. Robots off a conveyor belt. Society teaches us to be competitive, to exclude those who are different, and to prioritize academic achievement over all else. This has resulted in a generation of people who struggle to connect with the world, their families, and their communities.

philosophy continued

utilizes educational scientific research (Neuroeducation, Psychology and Sociology) to enhance the learning of children and adults; methods that have existed for centuries and that are relevant in today's world.True independence comes from acquiring a valuable and applicable skillset and mastering it. Life is a journey of learning and growth, beyond the confines of academic institutions.It is about nourishing one's soul, the education of the self, mastering life skills/social skills/soft skills required to complement academia and life itself.

coaching with

Coaching is a relational activity to help and support individuals to learn and develop, leading to enhanced performance and desirable results aligned to specified objectives and goals.Looking to manage the change you require to be a better parent, person or professional? RIPEN can help to maximise your potential, enhance your performance and achieve desired results!


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